Basic of Human Resource Management

I would like to start with a very basic fact from a famous editor that” Human resources in all sectors of human life are essentially the same” weather it be at a personal or at professional level. The thing that is lacking behind is the proper relationship of one human being with other. The differences in human beings will continue as long as the humanity continues. The human relation approach is one endeavor to narrow the gaps among human beings. Before we start of with Human resource management let us first define what it is and what does it deals with. Human resource management is a function performed in an organization that facilitates the most effective use of people or employee to achieve the organizational and individual goals. HRM is a function in an organization that facilitates the proper utilization of human resources of an organization. What are Human Resources? Human resources unlike other resources are the potential of the individuals working in any capacity that is utilized by the organization with remuneration. Achieving organizational excellence is the work of HR. So in a better term we can say that HRM is a practice of managing the most important resource of an organization. Till the 19th century human factor were only considered as a factor of production and it is now, that after a long stages of revolution and changes that the humane factor have been given a wide recognition. In an interview one of the famous industrialists speaks that HRM is a very natural practice, it is just like a law of nature. We should treat people in a way we wanted to be treated by others. The recent globalization had led into the development of the term “Human Capital” which has replaced the old thoughts giving a new arena in management thoughts. Various terms that may used interchangeably with HRM include personnel, human resource management and employee development. We need to manage the human resources of an organization since human are the one who thinks, plans and visualizes the mission and turned them into reality. It is just the beginning of the new age HR Management that led to findings that the measurement of the contribution of human resources is exactly similar to the measurement of the financial & production performance of an organization. The traditional HR activities were now focused on outcomes.

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